
Interclub Event 21 July 2013

We’ll be hosting the next Interclub Event at the Siam Camp on 21st July 2013. Its just under a month away so there’s ample time to organise who wants to participate.

Siam Camp Interclub


Use the ‘contact us’ form (to the left) or email me directly on siamkev@hotmail.com or text to 07850544148. Please include students details (age, experience etc) as early as possible so we can find the best possible match for everyone attending.


21 July 2013Start 11am  – First Match 12pm
Based on the last few events the estimated finish time will be around 4pm.
Cost to all £6  (All Tickets Available On The Door)


What’s An Interclub?

If your new to our interclubs, the purpose is to offer students of all ages and abilities an experience to get in the ring for some ‘friendly’ competition. Everyone benefits from changes of sparing partners, its exciting and a great way for local clubs to get together. The emphasis is on fun and experience for EVERYONE and in the spirit of this all matches are NO WIN / NO LOSE  and everyone gets a trophy.


“The emphasis is on fun and experience for EVERYONE and in the spirit of this, all matches are NO WIN / NO LOSE  so everyone gets a trophy.”


Equipment Provided
  • Head Guards
  • Body Armor
  • Shin Guards

Please ensure students have their own equipment (shorts, mouth guard, groin guard).

We also have a club shop if any of your students forget anything 😉



We have two rings, one for Adults and one for Kids, experienced referees to ensure students safety plus changing and shower facilities. Please also not that there is no head contact allowed for the kids matches.

Refreshments; Hot & Cold Food & Drink all day.

FREE Parking  for everyone!


Ground Floor, Belgrave Mill, Fitton Hill Road, Off Honeywell Lane, Oldham OL8-2LZ 

See the ‘How To Find Us’ map at the bottom of the page.



We’ll update some photos here after the event…