
It is my privilege to announce the first Siam training camp to be held later this year, Thailand is on the list of possible locations, if interested in this trip, please contact GMK, the trip will consist of Boot Camp style stamina strength and conditioning.

  • Muay Thai
  • Muay Boran
  • Dab Thai
  • Massage
  • Educational Khans

For the lucky ones who want to compete / fight we will find a match and possibly fight at the famous MBK Fights Night or Friday Fight Night in the studio televised, for our educational students possible Khan advancement.

We will be staying at the Famous Luktupfah Camp in Bangkok for a full week of Blood Sweat & Tears, followed by R&R at the Seaside, to top up your new curves form the training with a deep tan, along with shopping paridise for the family members, and most of all, the memories of a lifetime.

The trip will be all Inclusive of :-

  • Air Ticket
  • Camp Accommodation including Food & Training
  • Transport to & from Airport

We will re post once dates are confirmed, but if interested book your seat/place as maybe limited numbers.